
About Us

The Bogalusa City Schools Special Education Department offers a wide variety of programs that are designed to provide quality education, which will prepare all students to function at their highest potential. Services are provided to eligible students beginning at the pre-school level and continuing through the age of 21 years.

Placement and services address the needs of the individual student identified through a referral process that includes a multidisciplinary evaluation. This multidisciplinary evaluation provides the foundation for the development of an individualized education program (IEP) prior to making a placement decision for participation in one or more of the special education programs.

Programs are designed to meet the needs of the individual student and range from classes for those identified as high functioning to those needing more individualized settings. Students at all levels and settings address state benchmarks and standards of the grade level. Modifications and accommodations are used as needed to address the functioning level of the individual student.

Special Education

Mission Statement

"Our mission is to empower every student with diverse learning needs to reach their fullest potential by providing individualized support, fostering inclusivity, and promoting a nurturing environment where every student feels valued, respected, and capable of achieving academic, social, and emotional success. Through collaboration with families, educators, and community partners, we strive to create an inclusive and equitable learning community that celebrates diversity, promotes lifelong learning, and prepares students for meaningful participation in society."


Building a strong future.

